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Saturday 16 January 2016

GIF animation: melting snowflake sequences

I've already posted two GIF animations (with snowflake melting and reversed sublimation, which looks like "grow"), and here is 3 more animations of snowflakes, melting on glass.

This January starts really good for snowflake photography in Moscow: it is cold and snowy almost every day. I've already captured lots of new interesting crystals, and will process them soon!

However, January 14 was a little warm for good shooting: there was snowfalls, and many nice crystals, but my glass plate simply can't cool enough: even after 30 minutes of cooling outside, snowflakes slowly melts on it. So, instead of shooting sequences of identical shots for averaging, i captured sequences of melting stages. For shooting these series fast enough, i've temporary disabled RAW writing, and captured only JPEGs.

Here is three GIF animations: first one assembled from 20 sequental photos (~6 mb), second one - from 29 photos (~7,5 mb), and third - from 32 photos (~8 mb):

Melting snowflake GIF animation by Alexey Kljatov

Melting snowflake GIF animation by Alexey Kljatov

Melting snowflake GIF animation by Alexey Kljatov

It is interesting to see how some snowflake features transforms into air bubbles, and remains inside waterdrop.

Here you'll find all snowflake GIF animations, that i've assembled from series of still photos.

If you want to see more snowflakes, you can browse through all snowflake pictures.
Here you'll find snowflake photo wallpapers in numerous resolutions and screen proportions, up to Ultra HD 4K.
And here is article about snowflake macro photography.


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