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Thursday 12 June 2014

Pretty fly

Macro photo: grey-brown house fly with hair, beard and eye facets details, portrait against pale blue background
Macro photo: portrait of house fly (1780 x 1780)

My first insect "studio stack". This is large fly of some common species.

Gear: "snowflake" macro setup, containing Canon Powershot A650 and reversely mounted lens Helios 44M-5 as magnifier (described in article about snowflake macro photography) + small desktop tripod (Continent TR-F7).

Light: ambient daylight in room + direct sunlight from left side through sheet of white paper. Background: light blue book cover.

Source images: series of 64 photos (16 groups with different focus, and each group contained 4 identical images for averaging). After RAW processing, i averaged images in groups and then do focus stacking.

Eye details in 1:1 scale:

House fly macro photo - details of eye facets


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