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Friday 18 April 2014

Google authorship with Flickr photo content

Update: Google cancelled authorship project, and this information is not useful anymore.

Recently introduced Google authorship program is really good thing for any blogger - it highlights author's content in search results and, hopefully, Google trust this content more that one without verified authorship and boost its position in search results. But it is also works nice with your photo content on Flickr photo hosting.

Google authorship with Flickr photo content example 1

It's easy to do in a few steps:

1. At first, to make sure that all my flickr pages are indexed by Google, i manually added into Google Add url tool these of my flickr URLs (photostream root, profile page and all album pages):


(although adding albums maybe is not nesessary - google robot should find them by visiting link "albums" from photostream page).

2. As Google instruction says, i added to Contributor To section of my Google+ profile two custom Flickr links (photostream and profile pages) and their copies with https prefix, as well as link to this blog:


3. Then, all i need to do is make sure that on every page of my flickr account will be reciprocal link to my Google+ profile, which may look like this:

<a href="https://plus.google.com/111839554038128178268?rel=author">Author: Alexey Kljatov (??????? ??????) aka ChaoticMind75</a>

For this, i added that code at end of descriptions in all my Flickr albums, and, because in descrption fields of all my flickr photos already was this string of links to my other places:

Prints | Blog | Facebook | Google+ | DeviantArt | 500px | Tumblr

all i need to do is slightly change it, appending "?rel=author" attribute to Google+ link:

<a href="https://plus.google.com/111839554038128178268?rel=author">Google+</a>

Also i placed this string of links into description field of my Flickr profile page.

That's all. When Google indexed my Flickr pages, they looks better in search results. For these queries, it shows photo page links with verified authorship snippet:

Google authorship with Flickr photo content example 2

Google authorship with Flickr photo content example  3


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